26 research outputs found

    Induction of androgenesis and production of haploid embryos in anther cultures of borage (Borago officinalis L.)

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    [EN] Borage (Borago officinalis L.) is an important medicinal plant with different culinary, pharmaceutical and industrial properties. Unfortunately, there are no published reports on the establishment of protocols to produce DHs in this species up to now. In this work, we show for the first time the induction of borage microspores to become embryogenic calli, from which haploid embryos are produced. In addition, we evaluated the effect of using different flower bud sizes, carbon sources, concentrations of 2,4-D and BAP, cold (4 A degrees C) pretreatments and heat shock treatments. Production of total calli, embryogenic calli and callus-derived embryos was differently affected by the different parameters studied. Our results showed that the use of 5-7 mm-long flower buds, a cold (4 A degrees C) pretreatment during 4 days, a 32 A degrees C heat shock for 3 days, and the addition of 3 % maltose and 2 mgl(-1) 2,4-D and 1 mgl(-1) BAP to the culture medium, was beneficial for embryo production. Overall, this work demonstrates that DH technology is possible in borage, and opens the door for future improvements needed to finally obtain borage DH plants.Eshaghi, ZC.; Abdollahi, MR.; Moosavi, SS.; Deljou, A.; SeguĂ­-Simarro, JM. (2015). Induction of androgenesis and production of haploid embryos in anther cultures of borage (Borago officinalis L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 122:321-329. doi:10.1007/s11240-015-0768-5S321329122Abdollahi MR, Moieni A, Javaran MJ (2004) Interactive effects of shock and culture density on embryo induction in isolated microspore culture of Brassica napus L. cv. 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    Associação de fases meióticas e estådios dos micrósporos com características morfológicas de botÔes florais de pimentão Association of meiotic phases and microspore stages with morphological characters of floral buds of pepper

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    Fases meiĂłticas e estĂĄdios de micrĂłsporos de pimentĂŁo (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Azeth) foram determinados e associados com caracterĂ­sticas morfolĂłgicas adotadas para a seleção de botĂ”es florais a serem utilizados na indução de androgĂȘnese. Plantas foram mantidas em casa-de-vegetação para coleta dos botĂ”es florais, que foram separados em seis classes de acordo com a relação de tamanho entre cĂĄlice e corola e presença de pigmentos nas anteras. As anteras foram fixadas em metanol: ĂĄcido acĂ©tico na proporção de 3:1 e armazenadas a -20Âș C. PreparaçÔes citogenĂ©ticas desse material foram montadas pela tĂ©cnica de dissociação e secagem ao ar e coradas com solução de Giemsa. As observaçÔes dos botĂ”es foram realizadas sob lupa e as preparaçÔes citogenĂ©ticas em microscĂłpio Ăłtico. Imagens dos botĂ”es florais, das anteras e das fases meiĂłticas foram digitalizadas em computador para documentação. VariaçÔes de fases meiĂłticas dentro de cada classe de botĂŁo floral foram observadas. Embora o critĂ©rio de presença de antocianina na extremidade das anteras tenha sido aplicado para outras variedades, o mesmo nĂŁo se mostrou adequado para a determinação do estĂĄdio de micrĂłsporo neste estudo. As fases meiĂłticas foram citogeneticamente identificadas; contudo, nĂŁo foi possĂ­vel estabelecer sua associação com as classes dos botĂ”es florais. Entretanto, botĂ”es com o tamanho de cĂĄlice coincidindo com o da corola apresentaram maior nĂșmero de micrĂłsporos em estĂĄdio adequado para a cultura de anteras.<br>In the present study, morphological characters adopted for floral bud selection used for androgenesis induction were associated with pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Azeth) meiotic phases and microspore stages. Floral buds were harvested from greenhouse-grown plants and separated into six classes according to size relationships between calyx and corolla, and anthocyanin pigmentation in anthers. After sorting by size, buds were fixed using a methanol: acetic acid (3:1) solution at -20ÂșC. Cytogenetic preparations were mounted using an adaptation of an air-drying technique and staining through a phosphate buffer Giemsa solution. Bud observations were accomplished under a stereo-microscope and the cytogenetic preparations in an optic microscope. Recordings of floral buds and meiotic phases were performed with an image digitizing computer system. Variations on the meiotic phases were observed within each class. Although the approach based on anthocyanin pigmentation on anthers has been applied to another pepper varieties, it was not a reliable trait for determination of the microspore stage. Meiotic phases were citogeneticaly identified, although bud stage could not be associated with it. On the other hand, buds having the same calyx and corolla sizes presented a larger number of microspores in a suitable stage for anther culture

    Low variability in a Y-linked plant gene and its implications for Y-chromosome evolution.

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    Sex chromosomes have evolved independently in several different groups of organisms, but they share common features, including genetic degeneration of the Y chromosome. Suppression of recombination between ancestral proto-X and proto-Y chromosomes is thought to have led to their gradual divergence, and to degeneration of the Y chromosome, but the evolutionary forces responsible are unknown. In non-recombining Y chromosomes, deleterious mutations may be carried to fixation by linked advantageous mutations ("selective sweeps"). Occurrence of deleterious mutations may drive "Muller's ratchet" (stochastic loss of chromosomes with the fewest mutations). Selective elimination of deleterious mutations, causing "background selection" may accelerate stochastic fixation of mildly detrimental mutations. All these processes lower effective population sizes, and therefore reduce variability of genes in evolving Y chromosomes. We have studied DNA diversity and divergence in a recently described X- and Y-linked gene pair (SLX-1 and SLY-1) of the plant Silene latifolia to obtain evidence about the early stages of Y degeneration. Here we show that DNA polymorphism in SLY-1 is 20-fold lower than in SLX-1, but the pattern of polymorphism does not suggest a selective sweep